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No Step On Snek Morale Patch
No Step On Snek Morale Patch
No Step On Snek Morale Patch
No Step On Snek Morale Patch
No Step On Snek Morale Patch
No Step On Snek Morale Patch
No Step On Snek Morale Patch

No Step On Snek Morale Patch


From Ben Franklin’s 1754 woodcutting of the snake divided into sections with the caption “Join, or die,” to this crisp rendition of the Gadsden Flag (created in 1775 to rally the Continental Marines), those who value liberty and self-determination have taken the emblem of the timber rattlesnake to symbolize themselves and the danger they represent to any that would oppress them.

A timber rattler minds its own business, eats what it needs to survive, and has a relatively low impact on the environment. But the snake can become a formidable foe for the largest predators (and even birds) when forced to do so. With an ear to the ground, natural camouflage, and thermal vision, the rattlesnake has an unparalleled capacity for guerilla warfare.

Kind of like the tiny Continental army did against the best land army of their time.

Ironically enough, this patch is nicer than our actual Gadsden.


  • Material: Thick, 3D, PVC
  • Backing: Hook/Loop Velcro Backing
  • Size: 3" x 2"