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Advocates push for gun control bills before end of session

Advocates push for gun control bills before end of session

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) — Gun control advocates took to the State House Tuesday, calling on lawmakers to take up a bill that would ban concealed firearms on school grounds.

The Safe Schools Act would ban anyone other than a resource or peace officer from bringing a gun within 300 feet of a K-12 school or on school grounds entirely.

Members of the Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence, elected officials, faith leaders and advocates gathered to urge the General Assembly to take up the bill before the end of session, which is just weeks away.

Rep. Grace Diaz is the lead sponsor of the bill and says she is hopeful the legislature will act on it soon.

“Children are supposed to be first in the state,” said Diaz, D-Providence. “I know and am aware of the 2nd Amendment, but when you’re thinking of the 2nd Amendment versus children, I think everyone will agree that children come first and their safety is the most important.”

On the same day that dueling rallies were held on abortion rights, dozens of 2nd Amendment advocates were at the State House saying the Safe Schools Act infringes on their right to carry a concealed weapon.

Tensions were high during the rallies as both sides were chanting and holding signs that read, “It’s about public safety” and “Leave our rights alone.”

“We all are vetted — we all have BCI checks regularly,” Brenda Jacob of the Rhode Island Revolver and Rifle Association said. “We are not the problem and I’m afraid by enforcing gun-free zones, it will actually make our kids more vulnerable to a mass attack.”


* Originally printed @


STO staff

“I know and am aware of the 2nd Amendment, but when you’re thinking of the 2nd Amendment versus children, I think everyone will agree that children come first and their safety is the most important.”

Justifying this bill by framing it as, the children ‘VERSUS’ the 2nd amendment?!?!
“Rhode Island State Police Col. James Manni is in support of this bill.”

Of course he does. He knows where his bread is buttered. Democrat Governor Gina M. Raimondo just appointed Manni as Rhode Island State Police superintendent in Mar 2019. And coincidentally she just announced three gun control bills: ban assault weapons, ban high capacity magazines, and ban all guns at school, except for law enforcement personnel.

BTW, How many of the previous school shooters would have been deterred by this empty law? This is simply a grandstand waste of taxpayers money in an attempt to gain political attention.

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