Pick Up Your Brass
You know better than to leave your brass on the ground.
Besides, if you don't want it, I do.
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Come and Find It
Dear Mr ATF Agent,
I understand that I owned something that you have now deemed to be illegal, (...
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4 Loko Hi Point
Where were you on April 5th, 2018 when the mad geniuses at Mad Pig Custom broke Instagram? Were y...
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We've all been there... Oppressed and bullied by local government. Taken advantage of, pushed aro...
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Dremel Gunsmith Morale Patch
You’ve mastered the torque wrench. Tamed the buffer tube spring. You are still a bit iffy on bedd...
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Spaceforce G11
Let’s face it, outer space is where the sky is the limit, and one day mankind will spawn another ...
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If feels like you've been in this fire fight for hours. Your rifle isn't cutting it, your bullets...
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Meanings Behind The Thin Lines
Although the Thin Blue Line is the most well known, many other professions that serve the pub...
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New 'Grey Man' Morale Patch 'Not' Guns.
Just put it on all your range bags and robbers, small children, (even the ATF) might be convinced...
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