Dremel Gunsmith Morale Patch

You’ve mastered the torque wrench. Tamed the buffer tube spring. You are still a bit iffy on bedding, but you’re sure you can figure it out, after a few more badly edited YouTube videos. Now comes your greatest challenge… Slowly polishing your trigger group with a piece of emery cloth. After 5 minutes you reach for the only tool you need. A 35,000 rpm dremel. Some say it is too much power for one man. Some Say it was not meant to be. But you know that you can - Oh shit, you just cut your magazine in half.
Most people use precision tools on their safe queens. But who has the time or money for that. That money is needed to feed your starving AR-15. After all how hard can it be to time a gas tube - Right? You don’t need any fancy, french, “Metric” tools. Just a bit of horsepower enabled elbow grease.
Half the fun of guns is taking them apart and modifying them to squeeze out that last little bit of accuracy. Polishing that trigger group. Stipulating your handgrip. Cutting off that damn red loctite from a bolt you sheared. Needing to take a gun to a shop, is unamerican. If it can’t be fixed with duct tape (moves), WD-40(doesn’t move), or a hammer (just being a bastard), then you need to get out the precision tools.
Grabbing for a dremel is usually a sign that you have passed the point of using a hammer on your precision firearm will solve the issue. The slightest error and you’re stuck browsing the internet for a seemingly meaningless part that had either been cut through or had hit three walls in a impressive display of velocity, aerodynamics and physics, narrowly missing your head before seemingly vanishing into an alternate reality.
Show off your abilities with this sweet, sweet patch. Velcro backed, just slap it on your range back and go. No need of that time consuming sewing. Made out of durable, waterproof PVC.
Perfect for when you need to stop the bleeding after a minor slip. Stains wipe right off this beautiful 3D patch, so that when you get to the hospital they can get you right in and hopefully reattach your fingers. No matter how much of blood, sweat, and tears hits this patch, unlike your rifle, it will just keep looking new. Bloody and discolored but new.
This patch lets everyone know you’re the man to come to when their scope isn’t level, their trigger is gritty or they need a case extracted using nothing but the cleaning rod from a mosin and a 4lb Sledge hammer. The type of guy that will not be left wanting when the call comes down the range for a set of allen wrenches or a vice grip. When the call comes to fight off the zombie hordes you don’t want your gun out for repairs. Now grab a beer and get to work.
Some say fear the man with just one gun, I say fear the man takes a dremel to a gun.